Dawn Babb Prochovnic





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You have discovered a VERY OLD, OUTDATED website. This site is not regularly updated or maintained (and Dawn does not have a tech team to get the old placeholders above to display a current picture of her! ; ) The best place for current info about Dawn, her books, resources, events, and current musings is on her blog, www.dawnprochovnic.com.

Dawn Babb Prochovnic is the author of Lucy’s Blooms, Where Does a Cowgirl Go Potty?, Where Does a Pirate Go Potty?, and 16 books in the Story Time with Signs & Rhymes Series, including one title that was selected as an Oregon Book Awards finalist. She is a contributing author to the award-winning book, Oregon Reads Aloud. Her next scheduled book is Mama’s Home!, due for release in 2025. She is a vocal advocate for school and public libraries and was honored as a 2015 Oregon Library Supporter of the Year by the Oregon Library Association. In 2023 Dawn was recognized by Literary Arts with the Walt Morey Young Readers Literary Legacy Award. She is a frequent presenter at schools, libraries and educational conferences, and the founder of SmallTalk Learning, which provides early literacy education and creative writing workshops. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her family. Find out more at, www.dawnprochovnic.com.


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